God is Our Hiding Place

It’s only a matter of time before we realize that most everyone is broken or hurting in one way or another. Every human being has some form or shape of dysfunction in their life. So it becomes impossible to expect or to experience a perfect love from another human being. Why, how could they possibly love you perfectly if they haven’t experienced a perfect love themselves? When we come to the realization that without God man is fallen by nature, we will be gracious and less critical of each other’s short comings. That’s not to say we should turn a blind eye to less than appropriate behavior but understanding the depravity of human kind goes a long way in helping us cope and deal with the faults of others. In many ways, I feel like I have lived out half my life already (I turn 36 this September) and I have been around long enough to tell both good and bad stories about life and my different experiences with people. I have also learnt to mind my own business and to forgive and let go of hurt, anger and pain. My biggest lesson yet has been that God is the only constant and consistent person there is. We can at all times and in whatever circumstance count on God to be there and come to our rescue. He is our ever present help in time of trouble and the friend that sticks closer than a brother, in fact he himself has said he will never leave us nor forsake us and that he will be with us through the fire and the floods of life.

Knowing God’s love is the surest anchor for our souls. It’s what will keep us firm and grounded through any storm of life. We can always run to God when times are tough and we don’t know what to do or where to go. We can run to him in prayer and his word. There we find hope, there we find comfort, and there we find the power and will to go on. When life doesn’t seem to make much sense, find your refuge in God. Allow him to hide you in his pavilion, let him cover you in the shadow of his wings, let him comfort you with his love and tender mercies. There is a song we used to sing that said ‘’I could search all for eternity through and find that there is none like you’’. It still rings true even today. We can search in all the pursuits of life but will eventually come to the conclusion that there is none like our God.

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